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案例分享 | 花店Flower June

雨果说,“人生是花,而爱便是花的蜜。” 人们对花的喜爱是无条件的,就像爱美一样,天性使然。神尾久義也說,“花的美丽不夹杂任何利己的目的……因此,更能动人心弦。”

Hugo said, "life is a flower, and love is the honey of the flower." People's love for flowers is unconditional, just like the love of beauty, which is caused by nature. The beauty of flowers is not mixed with any selfish purpose... Therefore, it can move people's heartstrings more.


Colorful flowers · colorful life. Romantic house, fragrant room, bright and moving, women have an unspoken flower house dream in their hearts.

锐意创新、制造温馨场景、营造花房氛围,Flower June还原出女子心中“花之世界”的一角。

Determined to innovate, create warm scenes and create a flower house atmosphere, flower June restores a corner of the "flower world" in women's hearts.


The design of the flower house is very decorative. A slice of the lush jungle is passed on to the door. Red flowers, green leaves and lichens are fresh, giving people a sense of opportunity. It's like walking into a natural forest, relaxed and pleasant.


The simple and elegant indoor layout builds a display stage for flowers. The frame scenery on the wall shows the beauty of plants and trees. The mirror landscape reflects the posture of flowers. Acrylic uses the scenery to reveal the secret of flowers.


Arrange a bunch of flowers, fragrant. When you move to the flower house, plants and trees can clear your heart, flowers and colors can be pleasant, and the time spent with flowers always brings its own aroma.

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The liveliness of girls and the innocence of boys are integrated into the infinite scenery of spring. It depicts the beginning of all things and the bloom of life with colorful colors, flowers and colorful, vivid and rich scenes!



Listen to the wind and keep company with the clouds.Sunshine flower house, Wizard of oz.

